
We are online only, but we ship worldwide!


Payment Methods

  • Credit card payment (Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover)
  • PayPal account

    We offer secure payment gateways that allows you to complete the order worry-free.

    Note: Some banks may charge users foreign transaction fees when you pay by credit card. 



    Prices may be shown in the currency based on your location.

    You may also choose to change the currency on the top right corner of the site.

    Note: Our default currency is in USD. All orders will checkout using USD in the most current exchange rate.



    Please see Shipping Info page for more information.



    Please see Return Policy page for more information.


    Product Care

    Most lingeries are delicate and deserve extra care when wash. We recommend hand washing with mild detergent, cool water, and similar colors. Always lay flat to air dry!


    We'd Love To Help

    For any other questions, you can contact us in the below methods.

    1. Fill out a form directly on our Contact Us page
    2. Email us at hello@faibre.com
    3. Chat with us! Click on the chat icon on the bottom right of the site and use your Facebook account to chat with us. We will respond ASAP, if not immediately.

    For methods 1 and 2, we will respond to you within 1-2 business days.