What is your return policy?

We want you to love your purchase and feel comfortable! But if for any reason you are not 100% satisfied, don’t worry—you can return it within 30 days of receiving your order for a full refund, as long as:

  • The item must be its original condition - unworn, unwashed, with tags still attached and in the original packaging.
  • Returns must be shipped (or postmarked) within 30 days of receiving your order.

Shipping fees from your original order aren’t refundable. If your return doesn’t meet the conditions above or gets damaged in transit, we won’t be able to process a refund. If your item is deemed ineligible for a refund, you can still request to have it sent back to you for a $10 USD shipping fee.

The customer is responsible for return shipment and cost.

Make sure to use a valid tracking number and keep proof of delivery, as we cannot be responsible for lost returns.

Return Instructions

Orders within Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Singapore, United Kingdom, and United States

Step 1: Register on our Return portal. Once you're done, a confirmation email containing your return label will be sent to you.

Fill in the following information:

  • Order ID: Your order number, excluding "FBR#" (E.g. Input 12345 for order FBR#12345)
  • Weight: 1 item = 100g
  • Item code: This is the style number on the hangtag
  • Description: Clothing
  • Address 1: Street name
  • Address 2: Street number
  • Promotion code: Please leave blank

Step 2: Make payment for the return label.

Step 3: Print out the return label you receive in your email and paste it on the parcel.

Step 4: Drop off your return parcel at the drop off station.

If you're unable to register your return, don’t worry, we’re here to help! Please send us the screenshots of all the information entered and the error message to hello@faibre.com

Orders from the Rest of the World

Items may be returned to any one of our return centers in Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Singapore, Hong Kong, United Kingdom, or United States

Step 1: Email us at hello@faibre.com with the following information:

Subject line: (Copy and paste the following text for subject line) FAIBRE Return

Body text: Input only the two-letter country code for the return center where you want to send back the items.

  • AU = Australia
  • CA = Canada
  • DE = Germany
  • FR = France
  • SG = Singapore
  • UK = United Kingdom
  • US = United States

Step 2: We will reply with the instructions and return address.